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When Morning Comes
by Dr. Steve Gallon III


ISBN: 1598581775
quality trade paperback (softcover)
Pages: 384

Price: $21.95    

All major credit cards accepted


When Morning Comes tackles the myriad of social injustices of people who live daily on the margins of society including education, politics, poverty, and racism. Despite these challenges, the story provides many uplifting experiences and moments of joy, optimism, and triumphs, and promotes education and community as the building blocks toward one's dreams and life's work. >When Morning Comes is inspirational, powerful, and riveting all the way through. As a journey of truth, though entertaining, it is not an easy ride. Gallon, in a creative, intelligent, and gritty manner, provides an intricate look at a place that very few choose to go, and a discussion on issues that even fewer care to know or talk about. He also takes you deep inside of a man grappling with the dynamics surrounding the senseless and violent loss of life of many of his childhood friends, while serving witness to similar loss of lives among his students -- which are too many to name -- in the same community nearly two decades later.

When Morning Comes provides a much needed epiphany -- one that is wrought with lessons on leadership, but most important, on the struggle, strength, and salvation existing in urban America.

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About the Author

Author's Guest Book

Dr. Steve Gallon III is an administrator in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools in Miami, Florida. He has served as a teacher, assistant principal, and an elementary and senior high school principal in urban educational settings. Dr. Gallon also serves as an adjunct professor, consultant, and a guest lecturer in hte areas of leadership, organizational management and education.

In addition to a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Florida A & M University, Dr. Gallon holds a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership and a Doctor of Education in Educational Administration and Supervision, both from Florida International University.

Dr. Gallon has received numerous awards and recognitions for his outstanding professional and community service. In 2001, he was recognized and featured as one of eight Americans by the College Board Review in their issue "Heroes of a Different Kind" for his "sense of dedication, determination and destiny" in American education. He has truly distinguished himself as a dedicated, enthusiastic, and caring leader. His ability to galvanize the school and community to enhance the education opportunities of economically challenged students has been recognized and applauded at the district, state and national level.

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