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Carambola: Life & Times
by Stephen D. James Sr.


ISBN: 978-0-9818833-1-
quality trade paperback (softcover)
Pages: 95

Price: $19.95    

All major credit cards accepted


They loved music and family life and the Lord. At the age of ten, Carambola moved to Queens, N.Y. and at the age of fourteen he started his first musical group. From that point forward, his life became a great adventure.

"I don't know where it will end but only time will tell. From music to romance to college at night to the court system and retirement and now my life abroad is a whole new trail to blaze. I just trust in the Lord and move forward. Learning about different cultures, customs, and societies has been the most fascinating adventure. I feel like a space traveler. I'd like to thank everyone I’ve met, and I would really like to thank you for buying this book. There are many more stories and episodes I'd like to tell you about. So again I thank you for going on these adventures with me. There is a prayer and poem I would like to share with you. It has helped me and I hope it will help you too."

O thank you Lord for the sunshine,
O thank you Lord for the rain,
O thank you Lord for everything, again and again.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Praise His holy name.
Thank you Lord for making you, you,
Thank you Lord for making me, me.
With Your help there’s no end,
To the possibility
Thank you Lord you are always there,
Thank you Lord, you are just, and you are fair,
And because You care, I can say,
Thank you Lord, for everything, every day.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Six rules to success.
#1 Get checking and savings accounts.
#2 Buy a savings bond every month.
#3 Put as much as you can into your 401k.
#4 Associate with like-minded folk.
#5 Reward yourself once a month with a good dinner out or a good show (Don’t tip over 15% of your bill. You’re not rich yet.)
#6 Start today!

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About the Author

Author's Guest Book

Stephen James was born in Brooklyn, New York on January 1, 1938, to a small but loving family.

Mr. James is a graduate of Kingsboro College in Brooklyn, New York. He received a B.A. Degree in Labor Management.

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